Debian Download Web Page

It's just a very tiny difference, but hopefully a big step forward for our users. Our main download web page (which still uses the URL now has the title "Download Debian". Hopefully this will improve the results in the search engines.

A brief history of this web page in time

  • 1998: The title "Distribution" was added
  • 2002: Title changed to "Getting Debian"
  • 2024: Finally changed to "Download Debian"

Here are the screenshots of these three versions.

distrib-1998 distrib-2002 distrib-2024

I like that we had a selection menu on the top right corner to select a mirror for downloading in the past.

A few days ago I've also removed the info "Internal ISDN cards are unfortunately not supported." from the netinst subpage. Things are moving forward, but slowly.